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Build:Revolution North West
21 June, 2018 @ 10:15 am - 5:00 pm
FreeBuild:Revolution North West is a one-day conference and exhibition dedicated to making innovative construction work for your business.
We want to help you to deliver work better, faster and cheaper, growing the market for quality construction and design. We bring together a range of partners and suppliers who can help you get to grips with BIM, offsite construction, low energy building, smart technology, digitisation and virtual reality. After the event you will have a clear understanding of how you could embrace these opportunities and future-proof your design and construction business.
Build:Revolution North West is delivered in partnership with the University of Salford, with support from Procure Plus and AGMA.
Our National Partners are Innovate UK and Constructing Excellence.
Conference Programme
0915 Coffee / Registration
0945 Networking Activity
1000 Welcome from Councillor Alex Ganotis, Leader of Stockport Metropolitan Council
1010 How Will Construction Firms Be Doing business in the Future?
- Why the construction must Modernise or Die
- Government funding to Transform Construction
Keynote: Mark Farmer, Chief Executive, Cast and Co-Chair, Constructing Excellence
Sarah Eager, Innovation Lead, Smart Infrastructure, Innovate UK
1110 Networking Activity / Coffee
1135 Clinic 1: Improving Construction Productivity for SMEs Through Offsite and Digital Construction
- What is “Digital Construction” and What Does it Mean for Your Business?
- Why should and how can SMEs embrace modern methods?
Mat Colmer, Digital Transformation Specialist
Matthew Egan. CEO, Modularize
1230 Lunch / Networking Activity
1315 How Will we Generate and Conserve Energy in Buildings?
- Improving energy efficiency and eliminating the performance gap
- Will you have to guarantee energy performance in the future?
- Buildings as Power Stations
Professor Will Swan, Professor of Building Energy Performance, University of Salford
David Kemp, Head of Sustainability, Procure Plus
1415 Break / Networking Activity
1445 Clinic 2: Decarbonising Greater Manchester
- What does the vision for the Zero Carbon City Region mean for you?
- Why are sustainable design and good design the same thing?
- The retrofit opportunity for SMEs
Roger Burton, Director, nvirohaus
Russell Smith, Managing Director, Retrofit Works
1545 Close