Preparing for the Tender Interview

The Escalator 231 Deansgate, Manchester, United Kingdom

Speaker:  Katy Harris, Associate Director, Project_5 Consulting Ltd The tender interview is often an afterthought in the bid process, but leaving the preparation to the last minute can lead to poorly prepared and presented teams. However for clients the interview is a chance to meet the key individuals, and to draw their final conclusions which … Continue reading "Preparing for the Tender Interview"

Improving efficiencies in winning work – PQQs & ITTs

The Escalator 231 Deansgate, Manchester, United Kingdom

Speaker:  Leonie Thomas, associate, Marketing Works The event will help contractors and consultants consider whether there are opportunities to improve their own companies’ behaviours, approaches and activities in developing efficiencies around their winning-work process and in particular PQQ and ITT responses. Following a presentation of findings from MarketingWorks’ 2014 bid cost survey, the audience will … Continue reading "Improving efficiencies in winning work – PQQs & ITTs"


The Escalator 231 Deansgate, Manchester, United Kingdom

Speaker:  Rob Charlton CEO _Space Spacehus is a housing solution with a capital cost of £80,000 for the three bedroom version which has net zero running bills and is zero carbon. Using manufacturing principals the house is designed using a full BIM workflow and is delivered in around 20 days. Rob will discuss the process … Continue reading "Spacehus"



The BIM4SME (Small, Medium Enterprises) BIM Clinic returns in June and this time we are in Manchester. This is a 2 hour session, where you can come and go as you please and ask as many questions as you like. We are multi-disciplinery NFP organisation, so we should be able to cover most of your BIM … Continue reading "BIM4SME BIM Clinic"
